TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO学生支持服务(SSS)是春田技术社区学院(十大彩票平台)学生事务部的一部分。. 该项目帮助学生适应大学环境,帮助他们为从大学到职业或从十大彩票平台到四年制学院/大学的过渡做好准备. TRIO SSS的目的是帮助学生保持良好的学术成绩, experience academic achievement, increase persistence and college graduation, 并在获得副学士学位后促进转学到四年制学院/大学. 该计划为项目参与者提供支持性服务,并强调学生在十大彩票平台期间持续联系的重要性.
TRIO SSS services include academic, career and transfer advising; career assessment, planning and guidance; assistance in course selection, registration, and completing FAFSA, financial aid and scholarship applications; study skills support, academic tutoring, skill development workshops, and specialized college success seminars; orientations and referrals to non-academic resources. 该项目还为学生提供了各种数学课所需的软件代码(如.g. My Math Lab, My Stats Lab, etc.), 有限数量的TRIO SSS助学金奖学金, 十大彩票平台学生的兼职就业机会有限.
Students who have not yet earned an Associate’s degree or higher; who are either first-generation college (neither parent has received a bachelor’s degree); have a financial need (as determined by individual or family taxable income); and/or have a documented disability are eligible for participation if they meet these requirements:
- A U.S. citizen, 永久居民或符合居住要求,以获得联邦学生经济援助
- 目前就读于十大彩票平台(鼓励学生在被十大彩票平台录取后申请TRIO SSS)
- 是否需要学术支持才能顺利毕业
How To Apply
有兴趣参加TRIO SSS计划的学生应:
- 填写参加者申请表并交回TRIO SSS办公室.
- Download the Participation Application PDF and save the file.
- Open the application with the free PDF reader Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Complete the application and sign using an electronic signature.
- Save the completed file.
- Email the completed application to 或将填妥的申请表带到19号楼266室的TRIO SSS办公室. 书面申请可在TRIO办公室索取.
- Once your application is processed, 您将被联系并安排与TRIO SSS辅导员进行入学面试.
- After your intake interview, 您将被安排参加TRIO SSS主任的最后一次面试. 面试可以是面对面的,也可以是虚拟的(通过Zoom或Google Meet).
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location and Contact
Ira H. Rubenzahl Student Learning Commons (B19), Suite 266
Springfield Technical Community College
Attn: TRIO Student Support Services
One Armory Square
Springfield, MA 01102
有兴趣作为兼职同伴导师参与该计划的学生, or Work-study student, 是否应该联系项目办公室以获得更多关于这些职位的信息.